Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Links for 2/25/20

Links for 2/25/20
The donors and the voters will decide who leaves by a week from Friday. There could be more than two. Amy will likely stay in regardless. If Warren leaves, Amy will get much of her support. Her support on the far left are already with Bernie.

It is the Federation that needs to go away and be replaced by one controlled by the players and former players. Including college and pros.

Until the EU has a single independent executive (not a rotating one), a common income tax and debt, it is only to be pitied. The UN, American Confederation and the Confederate States of America all used the current EU governance models. I rest my case.

Everyone below the 90th percentile has lost purchasing power. Not a new thing - nor is the upper-middle class whining about how much they cannot make ends meet because they cannot hit their numbers while leasing that second BMW.

In the Catholic hospitals of a prior era, the Sisters who owned the building also worked there. Being a nonprofit should never be a thing - all employers should have the same tax system. Employee ownership and control should be the new ideal, especially for hospitals, with nurses and doctors having the same voting power. One voting share each and preferred shares given monthly with equal dollar distribution. Socialism? Of course. More so than Sanders on his best day.

The unique thing about Rachel is that she is independent, which means she does not manipulate the data to please clients who want to make elections look close for ratings or GOTV.

Bishops, who are almost all asexuals, cannot handle the thought that many gay priests are holier on their worst days than the bishops are in their best. Episcopal Aces think they are better, rather than just different. They don't like lay sexuality either. This is why the bishops cannot handle Marxian critical thinking, which questions everything - especially them.

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