Friday, March 15, 2019

Trump's failures and flip-flops have real-life consequences

MSW: Trump's failures and flip-flops have real-life consequences
Donald J. Trump is uniquely unqualified for any public office. Sadly, he appealed to the worst angels of his base, giving racism it's last hurrah. The system itself thwarts most of what he would do, which is also part of the wisdom of the founders.

He is a walking constitutional crisis. His staff quietly subverts his authority by stopping most of what he wishes. The Special Counsel has likely got him dead to rights and, despite the best efforts of Speaker Pelosi to drag his removal out in a misguided use of the issue, and all issues, for electoral advantage. Trump will likely be gone sometime this year. If the Vice President had a spine, he would be gone now.

The Democrats are not the party of abortion and bathrooms. Both are both settled law. Abortion is a side show. Sadly, the bishops are willing players in the drama, convincing enough Catholics to support a legal theory that is essentially the restoration of Plessy. It is the Courts who resist such nonsense. The Democrats merely pander to their base. Trump likely agrees with the Democrats. This is one issue where Pence has a spine and the ability to nominate his kind of judge: unrepentant capitalists.

The policies that make it beyond the subversion of the White House Staff are the budget and immigration, mostly to placate the base but also because they reflect the wishes of the worst of his Cabinet. The budget is classic Mulvaney and the unconscionable treatment of immigrants comes from both unchecked bureaucracy and the dark souls of DHS Secretary Nielsen and former Chief of Staff Kelly, who was harder to subvert. There is a special place in Hell for all three.

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