Thursday, March 7, 2019

Links for 3/7/19

NCR MSW Links for 3/17/19
That the Catholic Herald (imported, not Arlington) is part of the vast right-wing conspiracy is not news. Actually, maybe the local diocesan papers too.

Housing problems for the poor are solved by giving workers higher wages and family subsidies, including students from ESL to Graduate School. Both should be high enough for housing and enforcement of fair housing should be transferred from consent decrees to criminal law. We need to mean business.

The Trump investigation started when Obama was President. It should end soon, with the arrest of Citizen Trump and his family coming at that point. The end of Trump will also end the GOP, as it goes deeper into MAGA, at which point the Democrats will be too large not to split into moderate (DLC) and progressive (DSA). That will end all talk of abortion, et al, as issues. A jailed Trump can run, but his public poll numbers won't matter. They never matter on impeachment anyway (except maybe at the state level). 

Democratic Party division will likely split racial voting, although if one new party gets it all it will be dominant for a generation. Klobuchar's treatment of her staff will be compared to Trump's. She is DLC all thee way. The current race is for VP and Klobuchar is not in it.

Bibi is a symptom, not the disease. A politics based on division and hate will produce leaders to match.

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