Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Links for 3/5/19

Links for 3/5/19
If the GOP goes full MAGA, the Clintonians (Democratic Leadership Council) and the Sanders (Democratic Socialists of America) will split. The NRA is a shadow of itself (Congress has asked for documents on Russia) and abortion would die as an issue if Roe were explained cogently, even though it would damage fundraising and activism for NARAL. Passing the ERA will become an issue to replace it, as well as stronger enforcement of discrimination of all forms. The DSA wing will likely win that battle, because the DLC will be much more corporate. The DLC will absorb most of the Democratic Neocon Pro-Zion votes, while the DSA will support Palestinians and Arab Israelis. MAGA will split the Neocon vote. These are the reasons the Grey Lady (NYT) will paper over any divisions, as division is not good for its Wall Street and Pro-Zion readership. Berkowitz is definitely DLC on the Neocon side, as are his readers.

The run for the presidency is a marathon and policy proposals are saved for the kick at the end of the party debates, unless you are ahead, or before the general election debate. As long as impeachment and removal are on the table, all the candidates but Sanders and Biden are angling for the VP slot to Pelosi (Biden may claim the top of the ticket. As long as Pelosi is only serving for the interim, that sets up Harris to be an unopposed candidate (which will stop the inevitable Democratic rift).  House Freshman sub-grouping is a sign of how inevitable a rift is.

The press coverage, including Silk, are focusing on victims and not on what they say about the laity taking back the Church. The hierarchy will never discipline itself, nor will the local clergy unless joined by a cadre Deacons parish administrators who elect (and remove) bishops and force a decision on a married  and mixed clergy (starting with Deacon Administrators) regarding both sex and sexuality. Once this is done, Catholic natural law teaching will actually conform to real natural law rather than the papal version. Bishops may be disciplined by their Metropolitans, but the Metropolitans and the Patriarch/Matriarch will be elected by the bishops they serve. There is nothing doctrinal about preserving Medievalism.  Chesterton may even concede the point. The problems we currently have come from an under-educated laity not taking responsibility for how things are run. The laity is no longer un-educated, they just need to realize that the power to change has always been theirs to exercise, although a nudge from Francis would help. The tragedy of the latest meeting is that there was no nudge.

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