Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Links for 3/19/19

Links for 3/19/19
Intersectionality should always deal specifically with law, especially on life issues, particularly constitutional law and public finance. Both should be part of the analysis. The first should be used in the context of political debate, specifically in reference to Dignitas Humanae and the responsibilities of Catholic public servants. It seems that Americanism is not a heresy after all. It is a necessary part of the analysis. The second regards the specific doctrine in Catholis social teaching on the responsibility to fund families with a living wage sensitive to family size. This falls into the legislative options which Catholic politicians should be talking about.

The Hoover Institute is not serious. Discussing their work is on the par with discuss ing Church Militant or EWTN. Don't.

Court packing is a legitimate means to deal with the conservative bent on the Court, particularly on economics.

The Colorado law is part if a larger movement to get 270 electors to comply, even if the voters of a member state vote the other way. A more interesting option is to chose electors based on the popular vote in each congressional district, even to the point of selecting electors based on who wins that congressional or Senate seat. Of course, this would skate close to the line prohibiting federal office holders from serving as electors .

William Galston is agreeing with Marx on using political means to achieve socialism. It won't work until capitalism is subverted from the inside.

College Republican Clubs have always been zany. Color me as not shocked that there is gambling in this establishment.

The purpose if taxing the rich must be discussed. If taxes are low, the rich get richer by imposing economic rent on workers for their own benefit. When high, the benefits go to the government, which effectively caps CEO compensation. That is what we should be talking about.

Beto is proving that rallies matter as much as fundraising. Still, Beto needs to run for Governor of Texas and give the Keynote in Milwaukee.

Bibi unwittingly told the truth about politics in Zion. This is why Rep. Omar has a point.

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