Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Tea Party Lost? | National Catholic Reporter

The Tea Party Lost? | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The Tea Party is not about spreading some libertarian fantasy, cutting spending or even blocking improved health care.  It is about a war against the poor - like the Medicaid cuts proposed by Paul Ryan, it is about preventing any kind of mortgage forgiveness for underwater borrowers - from Rick Santineli - even though that would be the most effective cure for the down economy and mostly it is about opposing all things Obama proposes - an idea from Mitch McConnell himself on the night after Obama was first inaugurated.  I will leave it to the imagination of the reader why this is - and whether such oppossition is pushed by the leadership (Mitch again) or is based on the lesser angels of GOP voters.  Here is a hint - it has to do either with Obama's experience level (after five and a half years, this question is moot) or the color of his father's skin.

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