Friday, May 16, 2014

Governor 1 Percent | National Catholic Reporter

Governor 1 Percent | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: This all depends on which libertarian economic ideas he supports.  If he equates capitalism and the free market, he is toxic to society.  If he can be convinced that shifting personal income taxation for all but the richest 20% to their employers and then allowing the employers to fund non-state providers of social welfare and education - like Catholic Schools and hospitals, then I have no problem with that.  Supposedly economically libertarian New York governors have turned around and been accused of Socialism while President - just see FDR.  As far as personal liberty, which some call social issues, I say it is about time that most of the working class got a bit modernized into tolerance.  Indeed, with the exception of hard core Republicans and socially squishy Democrats like MSW, socialized tolerance on personal issues is a core belief - especially for anyone under 50 something.

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