Saturday, May 24, 2014

Excommunicate in Austria | National Catholic Reporter

Excommunicate in Austria | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: I can actually see there point - that the Sedar is a family based ritual with no priest or Rabbi (unless he accep[ts your dinner invitation) and the Eucharist is based on such meals.  Of course, by the time of Nicea, Bishops had taken the role of Pastor a bit further than originated in the early Church, consecrating the Eucharist for the entire community to be distributed where he allowed (and not where he did not, hence the term excommunication).  Anyone close to God can tell if the Bread they are receiving is or is not the Christ.  If We are Church meets this test, excommunication in the truest sense in impossible - although there is a value to communal worship as well, especially for events like the Triduum.

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