Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fighting Groupthink | National Catholic Reporter

Fighting Groupthink | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: The idea of free assembly on a campus is interesting legally, as all students - especially dorm students - sign away some of their freedom to allow the administration to maintain order.  Additionally, the idea of organized protest, if it is more than to deliver a message, is to invite arrest and indefinite detention (King, Mandella, Ghandi) in such numbers that society cannot function until concessions are won.  Students usually don't go to that extreme and it is questionable whether the Occupy protestors at Berkley were students.  We have found that a General Strike is much better at meeting objectives, especially economic ones.  Still, nothing allows the administration to physically harm students or outside protestors with such things as mace or pepper spray.  Any administrator allowing that should forever take themselves off the list of graduation speakers.

Of course, the sad thing is that Occupy deliberately had no agenda, so there was no reason to persevere other than stubbornness.

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