Monday, May 19, 2014

Kaspers Critics | National Catholic Reporter

Kaspers Critics | National Catholic Reporter by MSW.  MGB: To, in this case, link the doctrine to the words of Christ, seems to be as much proof texting as anything Luthor would advocate. The sad fact is that some of these conservative speakers believe in a God who is an ogre because they are ogres in the moral world.  What is being changed is not necessarily the nature of marriage but the Church's own reaction to Communion in a second marriage (and remember that Jesus recognized that the Samaritan woman had not one but had had five husbands and was living with someone who was not her husband - although she was the one who called this a list of sins).

Those who argue against recognizing that some marriages don't work (think alcoholism, abuse, adultery and a family history of divorce that plays out generation after generaton) are living in a world that never existed.  As for gay marriage, the reason we demand it is because of the horrible way Catholic hospitals have treated gay couples in the past - enforcing separation in hope of a death bed recantation rather than simply being a source of consolation.  The actions the Church has been taking are human directed, not divine directed and it is time we listetend to real natural law - the human condition - and responded appropriately (and, yes, birth control falls here too as does ordaining women.

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