Monday, June 18, 2012

HHS, Immigration & the Estuary

HHS, Immigration & the Estuary by MSW.  MGB: Romney's problems on immigration are largely self-inflicted and he does not have competent staff to handle them. USCCB staff are similarly providing less than expert service on this issue, especially regarding the lawsuit - which is not even ripe. HHS staff is equally incompetent, since it appears that they did not get outside legal help in crafting their effort to draw a line between what organizations should be and should not be exempt, although in their defense, the law on this issue is still evolving. If it were clear, the issue would be resolved by now.

As to the principle of religious liberty in this case, the question to be considered is whether it trumps the privacy rights of patients - which come into play in private sector employment because insurance is being heavily subsidized and regulated in the federal sector. Such subsidies and regulation make the privacy right to contraception extendable to the employee-employer relationship - irregardless of any religious liberty issues.

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