Thursday, June 14, 2012

Archbishop: 'Fortnight' about religious freedom, not politics

Archbishop: 'Fortnight' about religious freedom, not politics The decline in religious practice comes about because the bishops go off half-cocked without listening to the faithful first - or ignore us when we do speak.  Lori is either badly advised or lying about whether this is political, since it has to do with a lawsuit that won't be ripe until final rules are issued in the Federal Register.  The fact that they filed before ripeness, which won't occur until next year, means that this is entirely political.  Either they did not tell him or he knows and is fibbing.  Finally, even if the bishops are not having a war on women or their doctors (hard to believe, since the policy they object to came not from the HHS Civil Rights Office but the Institute of Medicine's recommendations on preventative care for women), the Republicans they are associating with are surely having such a war.  Just look at the Susan B. Komen funding of breast exams by Planned Parenthood if you have any doubts about this.

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