Thursday, June 14, 2012

George Weigel Almost Had Me

George Weigel Almost Had Me by MSW.  MGB: Frankly, Americanism is no heresy, even though the Curia of 100 years ago called it one.  Especially on the abortion issue, it is quite correct that at least when it comes to how abortion exists in law, one must understand the American system to understand why the rules that apply to European democracies do not apply here when dealing with what Catholic politicians can and can't do.  Additionally, the American viewpoint on freedom of religion eventually won out over that held by the counter-revolutionaries on the Council, including JPII, who did not understand it and still don't.  Sadly, they are egging on the American bishops.  While I agree that academia is mainly screwy in general, academic theology is actually better than most academic disciplines - and Sr. Margaret's work seems most useful - more so than actual Catholic doctrine on sex (which is best ignored in favor of the promptings of ones own conscience).  I suspect most of the faithful see Weigel as growing in irrelevance, like the system he defends.

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