Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Worst Column (So Far) on Gay Marriage

Worst Column (So Far) on Gay Marriage by MSW.  MGB: The fact that the Sacrament of Matrimony is fairly recent is fairly old news to any who have studied the Sacraments at the collegiate level.  All the Sacraments have evolved with time, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation.  Wills quotation of St. Augustine on distributing Communion, when he would say "The Body of Christ, which you are" is telling.  He has a point, one that if understood would move the Church to have the congregation sit upon reception - since the essence of Christ moves from bread to soul upon consumption (not digestion).  Frankly, I am not aware that MSW is open to a discription of how gay marriage might be included within the context of the Sacrament of Matrimony.  It is really not that difficult, since in both cases (gay and straight) the Sacrament is celebrated by the couple, not the priest. In both cases it should join the families - which would be particularly useful considering how some families have drunk the anti-gay Kool-Aid which science is finding has no basis in fact.  Finally, the bishops are likely very much afraid because the people and much of the clergy are likely ahead of them on this.  Unless we are a generation heading to perdition over our acceptance of this change (not likely), now is the time to stop defending the bishops for their resistance to the evolution of this Sacrament.  Sometimes you have to jump off the fence.

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