Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Romney, Evangelicals, SSM and MSM

Romney, Evangelicals, SSM and MSM  MGB: Black voters, if they turn out, are entirely unlikely to vote Republican.  In 2008, voters supported Proposition 8 but voted for Obama.  They are quite as capable as white voters of cognitive dissonance on these issues.  It is just as likely that Obama may actually move some of these voters to support marriage equality, especially those below a certain age.  There is no movement to have the government force Churches to celebrate these unions, although as employers it makes no sense for them to differentiate between gay and straight civil marriages if they disapprove of all civil marriage on moral grounds but still cover the spouses.  At some point, those who defend the bishops, including MSW, will have to realize that unless they believe the younger generation who largely approves of gay marriages either have a valid moral point or are going to perdition as a group.  Since the latter is unlikely, change has to be seen as imminent within the Church. Those of us who favor legal gay marriage are also working for change within the Church - and have the donor power and the manpower to get it done.

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