Monday, May 7, 2012

Bishops are picking a fight this election year

Bishops are picking a fight this election year  Some of these bishops were appointed for loyalty rather than ability.  It seems that, while the bishops did not pick the fight, they readily surrendered to the temptation to join it.  They also seem to be willing accomplices in the GOP con game over the possibility that a Republican president will appoint justices to repeal Roe v. Wade.  The last two justices, when given the opportunity to do so, did not on the partial birth abortion question. Given that Roberts and Alito justified the Act on the basis of the Commerce Clause, ignoring pleas to overturn Roe, this strategy seems to be entirely for fundraising and GOP GOTV, not protecting the unborn.  The bishops should not be party to such fraud.  The only realistic way to overturn Roe is to have Congress use its enforcement power under the 14th Amendment to move the date of legal recognition to an earlier point in pregnancy - yet there is no bill - largely because such a bill would have to carve out exceptions to deal with miscarriage in both criminal and civil law - with these exceptions being so broad that Planned Parenthood could drive a truck through them.  No such bill that would satisfy the pro-life base is likely, so none is offered.  Catholic politicians are, therefore, off the hook, because no one can be disciplined for opposing non-existent legislation.

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