Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why Your Vote Won't Matter

Why Your Vote Won't Matter by MSW.  MB: Redistricting reform will help, however in the short run, there are 50 GOP members in trouble (redistricting only helped 10 of the 60 in Obama districts)where they only have a 25 seat majority.  If Obama 2008 voters come out (and gay marriage won't keep them from doing so - since the missing voters in 2010 were the young), Democrats will benefit in the House.  The GOP keeps getting rid of long time members and replacing them with Mama Grizzlies (because that worked so well in 2010).  If Mama Grizzlies or other teaists win in Texas, Arizona and Virginia, the Senate may get to 60 Democrats.  There is no chance of 60 Republicans.  Without the Latino vote, Romney has no chance - and if he does what it takes to attract them, his base will stay home too.  Don't blame bad civics for bad discourse.  The young voters are going for Obama.  They seem to have been trained well.  It is the older voters (who had civics) who are falling for the GOP talking points presented as fact on FoxNews.  Sadly, the ones falling under the pro-life, protection of marriage and religious headings sometimes get more respect than they deserve on this site.

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