Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A bean-counting analysis of democracy

A bean-counting analysis of democracy by MSW.  MGB: The American Revolution was actually a civil war, with the drafting of the constitution a coup by elites to overthrow a governmental system that was not working.  Policy analysis generally does a bad job of explaining democracy, going back to Anthony Downs book which explained why voting was irrational, which is clearly not the case (Downs under estimated the effect of parties in the decision to vote while including population as a whole as a variable - in reality, voting is rational if you have an expectation that you will be joined by more people who believe like you do and the art of electioneering is to convince the majority that every supporter is needed to assure the win).  If this book addresses this part of the debate on why electoral democracy really does work, then it is a valid new addition to political science theory.

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