Wednesday, November 3, 2021

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore

US bishops to choose culture war or communion in Baltimore 

The issue with the proposed letter is not culture, it is raw party politics. It's timing has nothing to do with Biden or even members of Congress and state legislators. It has to do with guilting Catholic voters. To their dismay, most Catholic pro-choice voters ignore them.

The abortion question will be solved by election day next year. The comments of Justices Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett seem to indicate that, in the law, both abortion and federal supremacy on such issues is inviolate. At some point, the pro-life movement needs to shift to supporting a more robust child tax credit (ending its association with the GOP). There will be no other option if they really care about the unborn rather than sex negativity and controlling women's bodies.

100 years ago, the Cardinals had an oversize influence in the Conference. If only that were true today. The committed Republicans are not getting red hats and seem to be indulging in sour grapes - seeking Conference leadership to salve their wounded pride. They are undoubtedly hoping to outlast this Pope and be rewarded by a conservative pontiff. This is not very likely, given the appointments made by Francis. If they really want to be fringe, they will advance Paprocki. I would be disappointed, but not surprised.

100 years from now, the Church will look back at the Church of Pius IX, St. Pius X and St. John Paul and wonder what (more likely if) they were thinking. By that time, many of the clergy will be married or female or open about their sexuality. As it is now, the asexuals in the Episcopacy are not even out to themselves about their toxic asexuality. It is toxic because it is unexamined, as it has been since Augustine.

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