Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Links: Big Pharma fearmongering; Mark Zuckerberg's Meta; antisemitism on the left

Links: Big Pharma fearmongering; Mark Zuckerberg's Meta; antisemitism on the left 

DC Comics is about Meta-Humans. Zuckerberg is no Meta-Human.

Ugly buildings are an environmental issue, with Capitalism being their driving force.

Campaign contributions and lobbying jobs are PhARMA's carrots. The reality is that more meds are available under Medicare if negotiations are mandated. The lower the price, the more likely the drug is on the formulary for the health plan.

Global leaders need to write checks to PhARMA to cover the planet with free vaccines in the same way their own citizens are covered. When you encounter Jesus in poor people, give him first class medical coverage and feed him steak.

It is easy to get your head around the Register/EWTN resistance to COP26. They are funded, in part by and are associated with people in fossil fuels and the usual climate deniers. There really is a vast, right-wing conspiracy. Hillary was correct about that.

A looming crisis gets no attention. Humans don't attack until bad things start, and a bad hurricane season is not enough to get people moving. Like solvency for Social Security, the responsible projection and the realistic projection are not the same thing. Until rich people feel the pain, there will be no preparedness. Remove flood insurance protection from beachfront condos and houses and people will notice. Good luck with that, because the same people who stop action on warming won't let this happen. The problem is capitalism.

The Christian Left, me in particular (I am also ethnically Jewish), align ourselves with the Jewish Left, aka the Peace Movement in Israel. For too long, anti-Semitism has been used to give the Israeli government a free pass - sadly aided by the U.S. Government. This is not surprising, given the even greater slaughter of our own indigenous tribes.

Higher refundable child tax credits give workers freedom to strike, which is why the wealthy are pushing back against them. A higher minimum wage is also necessary, so no one is living off of their children's subsidies. The higher the wage, the less likely scabs are available. 

Pay people to become as literate as they can be, or as skilled as they must be, to end the conversation about higher wages leading to unemployment. That would take moral courage - including the willingness to pressure donors and the pro-life movement to go along with this. 

Any business owner who does not pay enough to force his workers to use birth control or resort to abortion is a party to these acts. Say it. 

Excommunicate someone who cares about being excommunicated (Donors).

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