Thursday, November 4, 2021

Links: Cardinal Cupich on the Latin Mass; QAnon craziness; and 'Dirty Jobs'

Links: Cardinal Cupich on the Latin Mass; QAnon craziness; and 'Dirty Jobs' 

Good St. John started undoing some of the abuses and triumphalism of Trent. The work continues with Francis. Cardinal Blase is being nice to St. John Paul, which has the added benefit of condemning those who reject the Council, especially under the banner of the prior rite.

The Fools for Q are living proof of the wisdom of P.T. Barnum. There is grace in being laughed at for moral courage. There is none for being stupid.

Conservative white women decided it was OK to be unwook in the voting booth, buying GOP hyperbole about critical race theory. Mothers who have experienced the tyranny of the test (which Terry removed) did not turn out to counter them. Including Latino women, especially those who could not fit voting into their schedules.

Taxing transactions, from the purchase of goods to the purchase of liquid assets, get more money than taxing financial position. No one should be able to write off their losses and avoid taxes by using borrowed money to fund their excesses. I am not down for piling on Elon. He and his people put everything at risk and they share in these rewards. Those who go after the new billionaires (the ones who pay better wages and have flatter management structures) may have other agendas than equality.

Undercover Bosses showed the work that women do, but it had too much of a feel good - Daddy Warbucks vibe. It is harder to do a Dirty Jobs that women do because no one wants to see what nurses face and human trafficking is hard to cover on the Discovery Channel. And then you have parenthood - which is done by women and increasingly by men. Lots of dirty diapers, dirty faces and puke, but infinite rewards when your kid is playing peek-a-boo. Kids have no memories of these times, but we do.

YouTube has lots of videos of interesting maps. They also jobs women do and have lots of funny pictures of laughing babies. The latter is tonic for the soul.

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