Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Links: The Rittenhouse verdict; Catholic Worker reaction to Archbishop Gomez; Bosnia on the verge of breakup

Links: The Rittenhouse verdict; Catholic Worker reaction to Archbishop Gomez; Bosnia on the verge of breakup 

The sad irony of the Rittenhouse case is that the people he killed were likely right-wing Boogaloo Bois in a false flag operation (as in other cities). This shows why AR-15s are nasty. A handgun would have likely not killed them, so they could have been questioned on why they were there.

Build Back Better needs to be sold by Catholics as must-pass pro-life legislation. It is time to drive a wedge between Catholics and the Republican Party.

Gomez is pandering to his GOP allies, rather than being a faithful shepherd.  He also does not understand what being woke means. Wokeness is a rejection of fascist attitudes on sex, rather than using them as a cultural warrior tool in a matter akin to fascism.  On the 10 signs of fascism, he seems to click all the boxes. This is why it is important to be woke in the face of capitalism. Wokeness is not optional.

Miamonodies would have likely thought that Praeger was a putz not worthy of mention. He speaks as a Republican, not a Jew.

American division is as much ethnic as sexual as anything else, especially from the right-wing. This is not unique to Serbia. Again, it is endemic to fascism and reactionary support of Capitalism; a feature, not a flaw. Part of the response must be Wokeness.

Indentured servants of both races came to the Jamestown colony in 1619. They were only slaves in 1630, when John Punch was sold as chattel. Like being offended by the 3/5ths compromise (which was designed to decrease slave power - abolitionists did not want slaves counted at all), objecting when the details are wrong is seen as insensitive. People who do projects do not like criticism (or waiting until 1630). Correction must come with sympathy and the suggestion that a 1630 project be created as well. The reaction to the project as a whole ignores the fact that, yet again, being Woke is necessary to fight fascism and capitalism. 

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