Friday, November 13, 2020

US bishops need to recalibrate their stance toward the culture

US bishops need to recalibrate their stance toward the culture 

MSW, give up on abortion. If you recognize all of the unborn at some point in gestation, killing them after that point is infanticide, with all that involves. Equal protection cuts both ways. Unless you want to register and investigate every pregnancy, even if it is a paper review, and jail anyone involved in the act, you are pro-choice. What the bishops need to atone for is not their culture warrior approach, it is being a whore to the Republican Party. This is easy to fix. Close the Office of Pro-Life Activities and cancel the March for Life. It has always been compromised. 

Telling the truth is never grievously wrong. If Biden were a cultural warrior, there is nothing he could do to reverse legal abortion. Biden or a surrogate must educate bishops and theologians about why Roe cannot be overturned nor the unborn granted legal protection, at least in the United States. He owes that to every Catholic politician and supporter. We got the Church to the the First Amendment at Vatican II. Now it is time to educate them on the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. Also Nineteen and Twenty-Eight (pending ratification by one more state and acceptance of that act by Congress).

To stop poverty, the bishops need to push the right-to-life GOP to pass Biden's Child Tax Credit reform, and not for the year proposed. Until then, it should pay employees as if the law is already passed, with an addition to pay for every child. It should also excommunicate any Catholic employer or shareholder who does not do likewise.

I agree on the money. The bishops should not touch it at all. Give control to the laity. Absolute control. Assets too. It is time to abandon feudalism, at least for the purposes of ownership. An elected board of lay directors are more competent to hold money in trust for parishes and diocesan agencies than clergy. No money should go to Rome. Ever. National boards can move money around without the Curia getting their hands on it.

Rome also needs to get out of the bishop business. In the early Church, pastors were elected. The word for bishop is overseer, which is also pastor. Let the pastors elect the metropolitans, who elect the patriarchs (and matriarchs). We have nothing to lose but our prejudices. 

Uncle Ted, now Brother Ted, shows what unintegrated asexuality can do. When eye met him, he was dead in his eyes. It is time for the bishops, and the clergy, to come out to themselves and the rest of us. Truth will set them free. They are the A in LGBTQIA  There is a flag for them in white, black and silver. It is actually rather attractive. 

There are plenty of Gs as well. Q's too (for queer, not questioning - they need to do that rather than fear being caught). Ordain married men and women. Abandon sacred continence. At heart, this particular Charism is holier than art thou misogyny. Eve was not the mother of sin. There was no Eve.

We also need Ls in the priesthood. There are plenty in the convent, as well as As. Start by promoting the leaders among Nuns and Sisters to the episcopacy. Start at the top and then ordain priests and permanent deacons.

All of this will violate some people's belief's. Belief, however, is an aesthetic matter. It resists reason. The Church has become quite ugly to many of us. It is time for a makeover. 

1 comment:

  1. About the Patriarch. Rome is where secular power is centered. That is Washington, D.C. This See should be the EC. It is time to elevate Wilton to the top of the heap. Now that would be a thing of beauty.
