Monday, November 16, 2020

Bishops' conference elections: why they matter and what they portend

Bishops' conference elections: why they matter and what they portend

The topic of the day will be dealing with COVID. Some will grandstand on that. Anyone who does should be shut down or have "technical difficulties." (I can dream, can't I?)

Nothing the USCCB can say on Uncle Ted will helpThe important voice on this and other issues is the member of the Council of Cardinal Advisers. Showing that they know this will benefit them greatly. 

Magisterial Catholicism is dead and gone. They are one of its artifacts. If they want to really be current again, they can discuss how badly supporting Donald Trump in 2016 made them look. There is literally nothing they could do, aside from supporting Biden's tax provisions, that would advance the cause of Life. I am not holding my breath. 

The bishops must listen to the people in the pews, rather than telling them what do do on abortion (or other issues). This won't happen without a demand. Most dissidents simply just leave rather than fighting. Until such a demand is made, the USCCB will be considered THE Church. This is not what the Master intended. As the Curia is reformed, the Conference must be reformed along the same lines. This especially includes the committees and staff.

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