Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Links: moral consistency, spiritual bromides, the 'Latino vote'

Links: moral consistency, spiritual bromides, the 'Latino vote' 

Opposing Warnock is about race, period. Not just his race, but the race of his base. His view on abortion is partisan orthodoxy, but has no impact on whether abortion is legal or not. Period.

Coping with the Hells we walk through is an individual encounter with God. Outsiders should share their pain, not religious platitudes. Hugs are good too.

CCUSA member agencies are known for moving mountains. Donors will gladly open their wallets for this (and shame in those who don't)

The lack of moral courage starts with Trump enabling Pence, who was also the person Senators called to deal with Trump. I hope someone kept good notes and can explain what really happened and why.

Rule one in dealing with Asians is not to call Chinese people Asians. That is like calling Portuguese and Spaniards Iberians or calling Poles Slavic. This is what is meant by political correctness. Let people self-name and respect it. Calling all Republicans Trumpists is the same error.  The best way to deal with ethnicity and voting is to not do so at all. Working class resentment in any race can show up Republican. 

Workers of the world never unite. Socialism needs better cash and prizes to take hold. After people get better money, they will worry about having a voice in management and government. That is why the GOP breaks unions and cut welfare.

Analyzing Tejano voters is an issue for elections in Texas, and to do so, you need crosstabs on the other demographics and then determine if they change based on Tejano self-reporting. If they don't, quit asking about ethnicity when doing targeting polls. If a campaign cannot afford to run a targeting ring poll it cannot afford consultants. It needs to build support block by block.

Chester County voting shows that the Lincoln Project had a huge impact on the race for President. Being a Republican for Trump means voting GOP down-ballot. Trumpism is an aberration and the union of wedge voters and the upper-class is still intact. 

The way out is to attack wedge voting, particularly on abortion, head on as a police power and poverty issue. Only then can the war on women be mentioned. It turns out that sexism really is part of the equation. Burke supported traditional roles, especially for women.

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