Monday, January 7, 2019

Who's saying 'Never Trump' now?
The never-Trumpets were the canaries in the coal mine. They largely succeeded in keeping donations down and were not why he won.

Hillary put the whitest man in the Senate in the VP slot, which led many African American leaders to lukewarm support. They did not encourage high turnout, largely because of Bill's triangulation on racial and economic issues. They never thought Trump would win.

This would not have mattered had Hillary not flubbed the partial birth abortion response. Instead of responding that partial birth abortion was both illegal and rare, she played to the base. This activated the pro-life movement, especially the bishops, and caused a Luke warm response by pro-life Democrats, inflating Trump's numbers in the places where black voters stayed home.

A perfect storm that surprised the biggest never-Trumper of all, Trump himself. Winning bumped up his ego enough to want the job rather than resigning quickly and letting Pence have it.

Of the never Trumpets, I blame the Luke warm pro-life Dems the most, like MSW. Sad he should be deflecting.

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