Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Links for 1/22/19

If Trump does not end this shutdown soon, he should be arrested. Indeed, even if he does end it. Mueller is focusing too much on investigation and not on action. Romney is no profile in courage, but he also must represent his state. Trump is trying to become the American Oligarch. He is playing with a busted flush. SCOTUS is not going to hear the Dreamer case objecting to the program. If Trump does not end this shutdown, he is either wittingly or unwittingly a Russian Agent. For all of these things, it is time to open Pandora's Box and change the narrative to whether and how Trump  could be arrested and then do so.

Speaking of jail, the premise that life in prison without parole is just the death penalty by slow torture is not also capital punishment must be added to the argument, especially because inmates see is as such. If given the choice, many, if not most would choose to be killed. By these rules, no children or mentally ill or challenged convicts should be given life either. Most need literacy and treatment, not death by either means. Even Trump.

It would have been helpful to say what views they dislike in the lead, especially because there is a paywall. Confirmation is an adult sacrament, but no so adult that it should not be given at age ten rather than fourteen. By fourteen, young people may say no to the experience because it requires projects that are best undertaken AFTER the sacrament, not in preparation. It is a gift, not something to earn your way to or require unquestioning belief to receive. Especially when the Church is wrong.

I suspect Winters and Arroyo agree on many things having to do with preserving the Patriarchy and resisting democracy at the parish level and representation to elect bishops. I disrespectfully disagree.

I thought Anthony was lost objects and Francis of Assisi was pets? I hope such blessings were outside. Of course, blessing does nothing for the animal or the person, it is a sign to others of the blessedness that already exists. Does this mean that all dogs really do go to Heaven? Mediums seem to think so. They say that even after death, a faithful dog will watch over the owner. That gives a new twist to the concept of Guardian Angels, but then, isn't blessing angels redundant?

As I wrote yesterday regarding the article that did not make it to the NCR Facebook page. If  the transformation to the GOP into MAGA completes the exodus of moderate and wealthy Republicans (same thing?), the result may be two Democratic Parties, one DLC and one DSA. Warren would like be more DSA if we can get her to run on our side.

The Green New Deal has more involvement by globalists and less eco-socialism than I would like, Because it is amorphous it is more easily co opted. Remember that the New Deal was used to marginalize socialism and get buy in from capitalism.

Trump is only playing a pro-lifer on TV. Of course, I still believe that the entire movement has more to do with Republican activism than the unborn. As for Archbishop Naumann, Pope Francis, please call your office (and end his).

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