Thursday, January 10, 2019

Links for 1/10/19
The Right Reverend Lord Monsignor took us back to the people's responses of his youth. Let a few more right-wing bishops die and the left will get our Mass back (and also with you).

Racism among old people on the right, many of whom pine for the days of segregation and that old time religion (and with your spirit), is widely known among MAGAts. They will mostly be dead soon. There are not a lot of young people at Trump rallies (except the Temps).

Warren's candidacy is based on Sanders getting to old to run and my not succeeding just yet in radicalizing workers into controlling the means of consumption (including management) and ending Capitalism. Upper Class Liberal is another way to say Neoliberal. Reaction to their rise is why Senator Warren may just have a chance at the nomination.

Carbon emissions will go up until fusion and workers controlling the means of consumption ends all manner of polution. Then we will overcorrect and enter into a period of glaciation. We will have to switch to coal to survive.

I don't like BDS, even to help Palestine. I would rather have George Soros buy up Israeli industry and impose equality on Israeli society. Nothing succeeds politically like bringing the disadvantaged into the middle class and letting them demand the right to vote. Even Neoconservatives like MSW can't stop such developments. Of course, a middle class Palestine won't demand that Israel be driven into the sea, they will simply buy up Jewish land and have babies until Israel becomes a secular society (as promised from the beginning).

That Mueller has bad lawyers (and Trump too) is no surprise. If the writing is on the wall that the government will take all your assets when you lose, the best lawyers won't touch you (especially if you habitually stiff them anyway).

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