Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Hooray for Carlson, but let's keep expectations in check
Tucker was talking about market failure due to crony capitalism, as well as the political failure inherent in the concentration of wealth. He did not attack the essence of capitalism, which is the alienation of workers from the product of their labor, the authoritarianism of the modern workplace (even among some employee-owned firms which still demand you conform or be fired), and the use of workers as living machines. Marx excepted both rising standards of living and social welfare but cautioned that they would also preserve Capitalism (especially after a middle class has been created - a departure from the Marxist elevator speech in the Manifesto - sadly Stalin know the Manifesto but not Capital).

Ross simply does not understand the argument between capital and socialism. Neither do Catholic theologians. The answer will not come from Rome. It will come from Catholics who read Marx and who (and this is a new thing) will start by helping ESOPs to Occupy Capitalism and proceed from there to destroying it from within, especially the financial kind. Pius XI already spoke authoritatively in his Magisterium in his otherwise quaint encyclical Casti Connubii when he championed the traditional family (the quaint part) and living wages to fight abortion (the Marxian part). Benedict XVI's Caritas in Veritate linked sexual teaching to social insurance and development. Francis lays the ground work for the spirituality that must eventually lead to equality, but he is no economist, although some of his Curia in the Communio movement (started by Benedict) which seemed to have a Marxian tinge.

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