Friday, January 11, 2019

Religious voices are the voices of reason on migration 'crisis'
1. Let's first concede that Trump is a two-bit thug, meaning he is both a brutish criminal and an idiot who believed what he saw on Fox News and Howard Stern, especially about himself.  He had too much money from a racist father, so he could be a comfortable failure. He never should have or thought he could win and was unprepared for the scrutiny of his past or the deep seated inferiority complex that drives his every move.

2.  His campaign team did its job too well. They gave him a mnemonic that he could handle, gave him an non-issue that the Bishops could run with (Partial Birth Abortion) and correct estimated the Black vote while Hillary cooperated by playing to her base on abortion rather than humiliating the Donald for bringing up a settled issue and by over-estimating the black vote, thinking she would get Obama margins instead of Clinton margins. Among Trump's handlers are ersatz racists (including his former Chief of Staff) who know how to manipulate public hatreds to keep the base riled up, especially with an assist from Fox News, who were created to capitalize on these impulses

3. We must also concede that this problem has deep roots. The first is the bad treatment of Latinos in East Los Angeles by law enforcement and government. The civil rights movement never got there, nor did adequate remedial education programs - at least not enough to fit the need. Add Nixon and then Reagan's War on Drug Users and you have the perfect storm for MS-13 members (who were lawful refugees thanks to Reagan's Central American policies) to thrive and then expand. Finally, immigration law mandated that MS-13 members be returned to their countries of origin rather than rehabilitated, starting with ESL and adult literacy courses. Repatriated refugees to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras put their gang skills to use and took over their homelands or simply blended in with the already existing brutish governments still on the CIA payroll.

4. When paragraphs one through three mesh they justify the fear of the other and the hidden racism found in some of the aging Baby Boomers (and older) who miss the bad old days of racial division. They could not express such feelings toward the Black population until Trump gave them permission to hate Obama. Add these things together with the constant blather from Fox News. They included their children in this racism, but not to the extent that they received it, but enough to keep it alive as they died out. Many of these people are ethnic Catholics who are unaware of the racism they were met with as immigrants and the anger that this brought, which they redirected to the others (who, sadly, were also Catholic and were taking over their parishes, one Mass at a time).

In other words, we have met the enemy and it is ourselves.

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