Monday, September 24, 2018

US bishops won't restore trust with announced plans to stop abuse
MGB: The bishops cannot police themselves. All the options to seek better accountability that MSW suggests are meaningless for that reason.  They will do the minimum they can on abuse and as much as they can to protect their office.

The Vatican could police and finally quit fighting the proposition that the Holy See is responsible financially when they err in their responsibilities. Time to sell all that art that shows the Holy Family as white Europeans, which they were not. They looked like modern Palestinians - the poor ones). Putting their money where their mouth is will get the Vatican to act quickly. Step one, fire the lawyers representing the bishops. They obstruct change while trying to protect the public image of the Church.

The other option is to undo the Medievalism that infected the Church when kings, lords and vassals were the only way to restore order to the Dark Ages before Chivalry, when knights were more brigand that noble. Returning accountability of bishops to clergy and the faithful (approximately the way the Anglicans have), with the faithful, through elected deacons administering each parish,  dealing with all cases of abuse, including writing checks to victims for actions of the priests they bring into the parish.

This is not congregationalism. In congregationalism, the Eucharist is a symbol, not an encounter with the Christ. Administrative reform will in no way damage the deposit of faith. It will merely do what the Medieval Church did, follow the governmental culture of the time. There is nothing distinct or Catholic in holding onto present arrangements. I have said all this before and it is time to quit reforming arround the edges as MSW would do. The Church will not survive it. Indeed, change cannot be avoided any more.

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