Thursday, September 20, 2018

Links for 9/20/18
MGB: Starting a union a union is wonderful, but eventually it has to join in unity with others, while bring something new to the table, like working as part of employee-ownership and cooperatives.

The best thing the Democrats can do is point out that abortion is no longer an issue in the Supreme Court because at least six members (the liberals plus Alito and Roberts - and maybe Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - if he survives) if not 8 who view Roe as decided law. The issue is impeachment, not life or even taxation. Abortion and taxes are for the primaries. They will have nothing to do with the general election, which will be about getting rid of Trump. The only way for the GOP to have it otherwise is to rid us of that meddlesome president by making him resign or declaring him disabled because he has been arrested for obstruction of justice.

It is not the Gift that should scare Napa, but his comments decrying the reduction in social security systems - not just retirement but assistance to families and especially poor families as well as his condemnation of multinationalism that makes the poor poorer. Conservatives are only conservatives because they shoot from the hip and learn from "approved sources" rather than seeking the truth.  That goes double for those who deny the methodology of the Puerto Rican mortality study.

Let us hope that the Florida gubernatorial election has more to do with economics than demographics.  Well I can dream, can't I?

I doubt the mood in Eastern Europe is like Rawanda or Bosnia. It is more like these nations experienced pursuant to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, except Ribbentrop is our feckless president.

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