Thursday, September 27, 2018

.Conservatives must face John Paul II's legacy in sex abuse crisis
MGB: Humanae Vitae has everything to do with this debate, as does its follow-on by St. John Paul (mentioning his papal title is not necessary in referring to him and he was not great - his infirmity should have brought abdication, not canonization). The problem is that people who would have been called objectively disordered in the old Rubric, Asexuals, who are now just called differently ordered (and are rarer than homosexuals, except in the clergy), are writing about something they know nothing about and resist with every fiber of their being - sexual love. 

Homosexual priests like Archbishop McCarrick, go along to get along because the Asexuals don't understand them either, but they don't want to draw attention to themselves.  For too long asexuals have clung to the charism for celibacy rather than exploring their own sexual beings, which did lead to abuse. Statistics show that heterosexuals (which are considered in these calculations to be anyone but gays) are more likely to be abusers, especially if they lack sexual formation. Of course, if asexuality is counted as a separate orientation, then probably all the abuse can be laid at their feet, since they are the ones who are largely unformed, even to themselves.  John Paul glorified them when he should have looked at the issue more closely, including his own make up and how it infected doctrine from sacred continence to birth control to not ordaining women..

As for the fringe right-wingers who defame our Holy Father, they are not worth listening to or commenting about. Weigel's been passe' ever since John Paul passed on. I won't waste ink on him.

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