Thursday, September 13, 2018

Links for 9/13/18
MGB: MacArthur give lip service to condeming white racism, but he denies that the sin still exists, especially in public policy on neighborhood integration, school integration, criminal justice policies meant to jail and disenfranchize black voters and welfare policies that break up families - all of these created for blatantly racist purposes. He is providing cover for the new racism and its reactionary views, even within Christianity. He is baptizing Trumpism and the new GOP, as well as the election of Obama.

The Knights of the Republican Party have spoken again.  They think Kavanaugh is lying when he says Roe is settled law. In essence, they are throwing the unborn under the bus. On Anderson, he seems to be trying his best to be a different kind of Knight. Of course, the continued identification of Columbus and the subsequent genocide says it all. In defense of MacArthur, supporting a nominee is not supporting a candidate.

Part of education is working on standing up for yourself and your ideas. The only way out is to educate parents. Black Power and Black Lives Matter are part of that education, but state sponsored remedial education should be in the picture as well.

Father Z is as much a Republican activist as MacArhur and Anderson. And they laughed when Hillary talked of a vast right wing conspiracy. Got it?

Unless Busch is in favor of the authentic reform demanded by Jesus in Matt 20: 25-26, he is an opportunist and a reactionary.

The Umpires on the group need to police themselves and fire the idiot who cost Serena a championship. They should also look to see if they rigged the game against her.

Jesus was West Asian, neither white nor black. He was as ethnically an Arab as anything else. The Vatican needs to dump all that art that makes Jesus and Mary look like northern Italians and put the proceeds into a fund for victims and diocese who suffered because of the sins of their bishops (and keep firing those bishops).

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