Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What's coming up in the life of the US church in 2018?

MGB:_The bishop could still remove objectional bishops before their retirement age and send them to Rome or to the diplomatic corps. How close are the Knights of Malto to needing a new chaplain? Bishop Naumann, pack your bags! Chaput was left with a mess in Philly. If he can follow the Dallas Accords and clean it up, as well as ending resistance to Amoris, he may get his red hat yet, however I don’t believe he has the self-control for that.

Sadly, we won’t get radical change, which would be to equate Bishop with Pastor and have no office higher than the latter save Patriarch. Of course, in all cases, pastors would be accountable to the people, not the Patriarch, and we could demsytify the Church in important ways. Some would call that Protestant. I would call it Ancient. Ancient is always good, especially if it stops a long-standing pattern of abuse.

I don’t see bishops working on the local power grid. The local government barely does that. The state public service commission does and will feel the heat when it does not. It is not a matter for the Church.

Libertarians at CUA are a self-correcting problem. Serious people ignore such foolishness, just as they began to ignore the Theology Department after Father Curran was disciplined for talking about masturbation realisticly. No one follows the old line anymore, save those who believe the Ascent of Man is heresy. CUA has always played second or third fiddle to Georgetown and American, and American does not even have a football team. That goes for EWTN, post Mother Angelica.

We will see if the Synod on Young People mentions masturbation. More importantly, we will see how it treats gay youth. I don’t expect much. The only question is whether what they say causes us to ignore it or actively resist it.

What needs to happen is for the Bishops to listen to the people about the translation of the Mass. Attendance has gone down because of the last neo-Latinist flag in the sand. It is time to bury that flag deep in the dunes and restore the prior translation or maybe find something better which has us actually speak modern English. How the bishops deal with that is the bellweather on whether they listen to Francis and more importantly to us.

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