Friday, January 26, 2018

'Higher' wages soothe the masses, expose low expectations
MGB:_Apple did a good thing, depending whether the restircted stock is enough to affect board elections or not. The WalMart is good, but most announced actions have been one-time bonuses, which if they were related to the Tax and Job Cuts Act, were likely windown dressing to hide the eventual huge dividend payouts and CEO bonuses. This is hardly socialism in our time.

Economic growth is more related to tax policy than MSW admits. Higher taxes mean that more revenue causes growth. Lower taxes, especially on the wealthy, require higher budget deficits so-that investors don’t buy garbage like in the 2000s. The tax cuts look like garbage is about to go on sale. The Clinton capital gains tax cut, which was huge, had more to do with the tech boom and bust than new technology. Again, lots of garbage was offered and most was burned. The tax cuts for the vast majority of people were small, less than 50 cents an hour. Not even enough to buy lunch instead of bringing it. The cuts for rich were obscene. They were not an attempt to buy the rich, they were a rebate to the owners of the GOP.

To correct the record, the Mayflower was heading to Virginia but ran out of beer. Those who went to Virginia almost starved as well. The Natives should have kileld them all had they been less territorial. The expansion of slavery was dreadful, as was the expansion of capitalism in the north, but the Union Army, the Union movement and the Civil Rights movement intervened on the good side. The reactionary blowback wanted to Make America Great Again, starting with the tax giveaway to the wealthy while satisfying the nativists with immigration restrictions, as we are seeing now. Its all the same thing. Even the token consumerism of the small tax cut for most is to keep the masses from revolting. Its a capitalist feature, not a flaw. The reactionary impulse also resists environmental change. Of course, we would actually have to make real change for the capitalists to resist it.

Workers are entitled to more than just a living wage. They are entitled to decide on joint consumption of everything from housing to management hired to coordinate their efforts. As a reactionary movement itself, the Catholic hierarchy has ZERO facility in this matter. It needs to follow or get out of the way. Solidarity is a nice demand, but workers deserve control and this is not coming from either Trump or the Church. Indeed, the same spirit of worker control and customer control applies to Chruch governance as well. We don’t bishops as feudal lordlings, especially when they distract from the real issues by imagining that there is anything to do about abortion that Donald J. Trump can or will solve. If Marco Rubio was the best we could do to eek up the Child Tax Credit as the Bishops stayed silent, then we are in a sorry state indeed.

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