Thursday, January 18, 2018

Links for 1/18/18
MGB:_It would take a lot for the generals here to let Trump attack Korea. He would likely be removed. The situation of North Korea is for some general to gather enough courage to put a bullet in Kim’s brain, possibly in retaliation for Kim murdering a relative or friend. Neither of these ”great leaders” should be allowed to go on much longer.

As long as Wilbur Ross lets the Census run itself, things will be OK. If not, lawsuits should be filed. Better a delayed Census than a partisan one.

Dominicans usually have better sense than to write non-sense in First Things defending Pio Nono about one of the greatest stupidities of his reign. I am begining to like The American Conservative, as they don’t seem to be as reactionary as the term usually would imply.

The Deep State is code for a belief in a cabal in the permanent government that acts regardless of political direction. Those who believe in it have know knowledge of how much rotation there is in the military, civil service and government contractors or how impossible it is to keep a secret. Just looking at the public bios of the members of the Mueller team show a great number of short term jobs, including U.S. Attorney or Deputy U.S. Attorney in both Democratic and Republican administrations. The reality is that the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are afraid of primary challenges should they do the right thing when the Mueller report is released to them for action. They are not intellectually supple enough to know that their main worry is from the left and that if they wait to remove Trump, a Democratic Speaker Pelosi will impeach both Trump and Pence, or maybe a Speaker Clinton.

The law on transgender bathrooms and abortion is pretty much set. All the Democrats need to do is mention that fact and blame the issue on Republican pandering. Sadly, it is to late to try to remove Governor Walker again, which changing the Senate in Wisconsin could open up the possiblity of. I don’t think it is all Trump. The entire GOP as been behavign stupidly of late, including regarding transgender bathrooms and abortion. Without social issues, they have no game, as by cutting taxes on corporations and high incomes, they have unmasked themselves and the picture is not pretty.

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