Thursday, January 4, 2018

Look for the church to stand up to money, politics in 2018
MGB:_The Christian Left is out there. We comment here every day, both here and on the Tax Policy Center. I a sume others work at or comment to other fiscal policy sites. Network is a strong voice and I am not chopped liver. Although I don’t write with a sectarian label at TPC, my solutions are obvious in support of Catholic Social Teaching. If Michael cannot find us, it is because Michael is not looking in the right places or refuses to acknowledge competitors. That, and we tell the truth on abortion and gay marriage. That MSW cannot handle the truth is why he does not comment on what we say.

As for needing an organizational home to be relevant, that is absolute non-sense. Catholic Leftists do not attract money from capitalists because we fight against capitalism. This makes it hard to fundraise. We are currently looking for other means, but that does not mean MSW should not engage some of our arguments. We no longer show up in the NCR comment section. Go to to read our counter-arguments. Jesus had no funding and a rag-tag group of followers who were largely relatives. The same logic that excludes us would exclude him.

By the way, we have challenged pro-lifers to introduce a personhood bill in Congress. They have the votes. They need to put up or shut up. Just figure out at what point they are comfortable jailing mothers for infaticide and make that your ultimate limit, then go away.

I don’t believe for a second that the bishops will disengage from their wealthy donors or their authoritarian comrades in the Republican Party and the Alt-Right. The only thing what will drag them to the left is having to deal with a resurgent union and more democratically oriented employee-owned workers who would seek to divert their tax funds for social services and education to the Chruch rather than state bureaucracies. And yes, that will require a certain amount of Trusteeism. The Church was not meant to be authoritarian. Indeed, Jesus condemned such attitudes at the Last Supper at the washing of the feet. The way the Church operates has made that rite an empty ritual and a mockery. This is why MSW does not like the Christian Left, because we are not afraid to turn our fire on the Church itself.

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