Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The I-95, Northeast corridor primary: Trump and Clinton romp | National Catholic Reporter

The I-95, Northeast corridor primary: Trump and Clinton romp | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: On the Republican side, Kasich and Cruz need to both lose Indiana to solidify Trump's path to victory. Trump is only late in understanding that he must have delegates who are for him - they only have to obey the voters in the first and sometimes the second ballot - which is how Cruz or Romney can win. If Trump clenches a first ballot victory, its over - although Cruz has eaned the right to write the platform - so expect the usual right-wing socially conservative drivel.

On the Democratic side, Sanders essentially released a statement saying he knows he can't win, will play nice and looks forward to having a large role in writing the Democratic Party platform. This is good for both unity and because Hillary really has little to say on the issues beyond the fact that she is qualified and will protect women's rights. We will see if she remembers what I told her about the right to life movement being a scam.

Voter turnout in a primary race that is essentially over says nothing about the general election and more about down ballot races in the primary. Pennsylvania will be an easy win for Hillary, even with pro-life women going for Trump (and that might not even happen, since Trump used to be proudly pro-choice and Clinton's Super PAC has the tape of him saying so. What we consider lying he considers good marketing. The voters are smarter than that. He's going down.

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