Friday, April 1, 2016

Links for 04/01/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 04/01/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: There is always the question of which Ratzinger one is reading or listening to, the theologian or the defender of the Magisterium and its power (which is actually relativism, Catholic style). Oddly, LuBac was one of those theologians whose books were banned, either before or during the time that Ratzinger read him.

The labor force participation part is interesting. That counts out people like me, who have disability and are not seeking work because the disability payment is at the top of the scale. As long as I can pay rent and order Chinese, I have enough money. We are too enamoured with work. I like retirement, thank you very much.

Silk hits the nail on the head.  Of course, he spares people lilke Catholics for Life for whom the term Life is even more a bumper sticker.  Until the movement gets really detailed on what it would do (and with the death of Scalia, overturning Roe and letting the states decide is off the table - not even Thomas believes that), the movement is a sham designed to make money for its organizers.  NARAL thanks them for their jobs too.  Its why they like the myth of the 4-4 Court, even though on abortion its 7-1.

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