Saturday, April 16, 2016

Links for 04/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 04/15/16 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: What Sanders did not say, but everyone should know, is that it was his opponent's husband who deregulated the financial markets which lead to the crash of 2008.  Also, let there be no more talk of Sanders not making a moral case - his case is profoundly moral and he found a perfect venue to share it.  Distributists like to say that they are the economic theory resulting from Rerum Novarum.  That is not exactly true.  Democratic Socialism, where the State is a major player in the economy, especially regarding workers rights, is the product of our social thought.  If you want the candidate of Catholic Social Teaching, you have him right here.  He is in it for the cause, not simply for himself, which is why he went to Rome and why he should be President. He would also make a decent Secretary General of the United Nations. This speech shows that.

There is an obvious reason why MSW likes the CNS analysis on pro-life Democrats - the article is essentially a book report of his book!  I agree, it was feminists (especially feminist teachers union members) who drove the Democrats to the left on this issue, however with the death of Scalia and the unwillingness of Kennedy, Roberts and Alito to overturn Roe - as well as the impossibility of finding 34 states to ratify a Human Life Amendment (and the likelihood that Trap Laws will be overturned in June), it is still incumbent upon right to lifers - Republican, Democratic and journalistic to say HOW they want to protect the unborn.  Too many thinking Catholics, like myself and Chris Matthews, are ready with a list of embarrassing questions for any proposal made.  When you can answer them with more than papal authority or sentimentality, we might take Democrats for Life seriously.

Pope Francis gave the homily that any priest should have given today (although I remember serving some priests who would forgo a Homily at daily Mass.  Pity). This passage sets the ground for all of the upcoming Holy Spirit passages from St. John's Gospel rendition of the Last Discourse.  The fact that this homily has some relevance to the issues of the day is purely coincidental (like the fact that Robert Frost said his poetry had no hidden meaning).

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