Tuesday, February 9, 2016

McElroy on Faith

McElroy on Faith by MSW. MGB: Everything is an act of discipleship.  It would be wonderful if state based solutions to poverty and mental illness actually worked and did so compassionately - but because they are not so perfect, the Church must enter into that arena - either as a provider or a complete alternative.  Getting to that point should be the goal of both political and ecclesial reform (including using lay deacons to administer services and more democracy overall).

Faithful citizenship implies solidarity - for to be a citizen is to be part of the group.  Citizenship also means, however, to have a sphere where solidarity need not exist - where the citizen is free to make his or her own decisions, like whom to marry and even who to sleep with.  The Church needs to really understand that or American citizenship will always vex it.  Note that is something is outside the public sphere, there is no justifying it - its simply off the table.

The bishop's analysis on the cooperation with intrinsic evil parallels August Fagothy's treatment of whether one may withhold taxes because abortion is allowed (or funded).  Fagothy says that because the impact is remote, tax evasion is not only not required, I seem to remember that it is not allowed.  Of course, the extent to which some bishops have prostituted themselves to the Republican Party by distorting this teaching for its political benefit is the extent that they are lying, which is an intrinsic evil.  As I have said before, abortion is not an issue (and no one is talking mandatory assisted suicide).  Poverty is still the ultimate life issue, as it should be - although I can't see voting Republican if you accept that.

I agree with MSW that Bishop McElroy is a rock star.  I hope that America reprints his article closer to election time.

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