Friday, May 15, 2015

Links for 05/15/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/15/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Interestinng set of links with point and counter-point on liberty and Marxism.

The Bleeding Heart Libertarian is trying to humanize the movement, but he is puttimg lipstick on a pig, I am sure the Barefoot Lawyer from China could go on for pages on the value of liberty over authoritarianism, but claiming that capitalism perfected the family is wrong. Industrial capitalism cave us massive child labor and progressive governance was required to stop it. Capitalism gave us the nuclear family, but that is not necessarily a good thing.

Bravo to Chen for standing up against authoritarianism, which for those who are interested in economicsm, is not really part of socialism. The party is enriching itself, not for the workers, but for the state capitalists at the top.

As for Jayabalab, I was not about to read such insanity so I thank MSW for the quotes. Wnat I think his side fears is not that the Pope is a Marxist (that was more Benedict and the men who wrote Caritas in Veritate), Its that he is not an authoritarian. I think his type of libertarian likes authoritarians. They make the trains run on time and will respond to incentives. Francis won't respond to incetives. The pseudo libertarians who promote wage slavery and environmental denial cannot buy him, which scares them to death, because to really fix the enviroment you do need to come for the capitalists.

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