Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Links for 05/05/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/05/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: I like Rachel Held Evan's piece.  Every bishop with delusions of dragging in Evangelicals who do not share their consdervatism will have their hopes dashed.  Indeed, Millenial Catholics feel the same way, very pro gay marriage, very anti-abortion (less so when they start having sex - at least as far as the police power issue) and more traditional - hankerchiefs on the head and all.  Still, the idea of the Extraordinary Rite being said at a Gay Marriage would likely appeal to most of them. Of course, not all Millenials foreswear a rocking service.  The City Church, which was purchased from  the Methodists and is on River near Wisconsin can rock on Sunday Morning - especially Easter. There is that whole Emerging Church Movement, but that may be the generation before the Millenials - who are no more likely to agree with established Church on gay marriage than the Millenials.  Pastor Rick Warren, who did the invocation at the first Obama Inauguration is one of these, or so people say.  Rachel liked the Episcopal Church - the gay friendly and women ordaining one.  So do a lot of my piers - ex-Catholics who had kids and needed a faith to raise them in.  Rome needs to lose the bigotry fast or it will be testing the whole promise about the gates of Hell.  It could be that the Anglicans are the ones who benefit - and the Orthodox too (althouth they need to get right with God on gays).

I like the Chart - but it would be funnier if t hat darn book advertisement was not over the No train.  It illustrates a standard rebuke of gay bashers that I very much agree with. Indeed, and New Testament text that assumes the truth of Leviticus needs to be rethought - and the Pauline stuff was all natural law, so rethinking is possible. Its actually essential - and will happen - the Church probably will survive, but it has to give up being stubborn.

Good for the new CEO of the Chicago Archdiocese.  I hope he follows Greek Orthodox practice and makes her and peole in the parishes like her a deacon.  Catholic Health is almost always led by a sister or nun.  Not sure about Catholic Relief, although their board is largely clerical, which is bad news for the gay married man in the top leadership.  I challenge their Board to leave it alone and make that stand as precident for all such agencies in the Church.  Sure, it can be dictatorial - but it does not have to be and we will notice if it is. As for Charities, the President-Elect takes office at the Annual Gathering, as is customary.  Rev. Larry Snyder is still in charge.  I am sure the movement has had a Nun, but its usually a priest.  Lay people are rarer, but the Ursalines started what became the organization, so precident has not been set for Charities - who are almost as tolerant of their employees privacy as Catholic Health (few priests on the board).  Still, anytime we can get the trifecta progress may await - and the Traditionalists get nervous - but they can't do anything about it but stew.  Alway a lovely thought.

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