Thursday, May 7, 2015

Links for 05/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 05/07/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Silk was brilliant.  You would hope for Weigel's sake this would sink in - but I doubt George is that self-reflective. He is probably drafting something huffy rather than thinking that maybe, just maybe, criticizing the Pope for something yet unpublished could be considered profoundly disloyal to the Church.

The problem with the whole Synod and more is the question of the state of grace - which some would tell you can only be ascertained by going to Communion.  If the Lord is with you when you do, you are in such a state.  Of course, some Evangelicals would say you cannot be out if it once saved - but I don't think this is so either.  The problem is more than that concept yields a kind of self-absorption that is more soul killing than helpful, especially if one is looking at another's soul. Of course, as someone with a mental health diagnosis, I worry more about the physical side of my soul, since mistakes in medication could kill me - in the sense of me being the agent of my own destruction - a moral problem more profound than remarriage after divorce or the recreational shedding of a few gametes (the latter scaring our Mr. Weigel more than the former, I suspect).

We have music today that is the best of the best.  It is a barometer for your soul.

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