Monday, March 30, 2015

Links for 03/30/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 03/30/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: Christian Leftists are not anit-Semetic, many are anti-Zionist. There is a difference - especially if you remember that Arabs are a Semetic people - indeed, some percentage of the Palestinians are likely Jewish in their gealogy or Samaritan turned Christian.  Not everyone was a Nomad in the ancient world and middle ages, or even recently.

Rather than being slick in our presentation, lets actually practice our Christaintiy a bit less legalisticly and a bit more humanistically.  I am sure Francis would agree.

Millenials may be more pro-life now, but they are less like at present to be in the complicated sexual relationships that make choice something not to be discarded - whether they use abortion services or not.  Its easy to be pro-life in a school uniform. Not as easy in college and much harder later on.  Lets hope that this generation, if I am wrong, is the one which insists on much higher child tax credits for each child - and paid with payroll, not with a refund.

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