Thursday, March 19, 2015

Links for 03/19/15 | National Catholic Reporter

Links for 03/19/15 | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: We are interdependent - which is why a botched abortion with the mother's death as well was a catalyst for legalization.  I susect that in Switzerland, a number of family members witnessing or not witnessing a normal death can be depressed - and probably in the same numbers.  We could do more about interdependence, of course, like realizing every child is part of the community - and should be given a thousand dollars through its parents wages on a monthly basis - hopefullly through the government, but if not then Catholic business owners should be excommunicated if they don't do likewise.  Lets see if the bishops take that stand - and force it on the Republican who they seem to be so interdependent with.

The trafficking bill's veto comes as the result of Catholic Charities not getting a contract for human trafficking - because HHS believed that pregnant trafficking victims should be entitled to abortion services because the pregnancy is considered the result of rape.  My guess is that the anti-abortion language is a bit more stringent that the Hyde Amendment - which I believe excludes rape.  Simply put in language that states that and the bill can sail through.  We are not talking a single act of rape, we are talking multiple times a day with multiple partners each day and an unknown father.  People say in the GOP that the child does not deserve to die for this.  Probably not, but they should take it up with Hyde who put in the exemption.  Sadly, HHS cannot just divide the contract, because the Bishops will not allow Charities to do the referral. The USCCB needs to get off this issue and quit making it look like the Church is on a gravy train on these contracts. At some point we go from charity to business - and I think we have reached that point.

Berkowitz probably knows that Bibi's win won't do anything about the population problem - sadly I don't believe it will make the sistuation any easier - although perhaps crueler.

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