Wednesday, March 4, 2015

American Catholics & Immigrations: Past & Present | National Catholic Reporter

American Catholics & Immigrations: Past & Present | National Catholic Reporter by MSW. MGB: The conference should be interesting, especially in the comparison of immigration, then and now.  The pro-life movement has picked off quite a group of former immigrants and children of immigrants and placed them firmly in the Republican Party - where their current economic interests also lie.  They may also be the reason that economic ways to fight abortion by giving more to the poor face a dead end.  Shameful.  Sadly, the days when the Church or an immigrant community could stop the INS (or whatever they call it now) from seizing undocumented immigrants and putting them into indefinite detention until a deportation hearing are over.  Todays undocumented are outside the community, some almost capitve to the bosses that had them trafficked here. Sadly histor is not repeating itself.

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