Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Archbishop Chaput blasts Vatican debate on family, says 'confusion is of the devil' | National Catholic Reporter

Archbishop Chaput blasts Vatican debate on family, says 'confusion is of the devil' | National Catholic Reporter by David Gibson, RNS.  MGB:  If the Archbishop is confused, then perhaps he needs a job he can cope with - as he will be of absolutely no use to his Archdiocese in listening to the people on these issues.  Indeed, if he told me that Philly Catholics overwhelming supported his position - I would think he was lying.  Indeed, he seems to have some trouble distinguishing between a civil marriage and a Church based one.  Unless Pennsylvania has a remarkably different marriage law, civil marriages are performed by the court - and in Pennsylvania you can even get married with no judge or minister at all (its a Quaker thing - my brother and his wife got married that way).

What frightens Chaput about the Synod is that at the end, most bishops might say that the families of gay Catholics want a sacramental marriage for their children - maybe even in Philly.  It is fear, not doubt or consideration, that is the work of the Devil.  Someone needs to give the Archbishop an exorcism, else he will never get his red hat. (Indeed, what is confusing him is likely how much he will have to bend in order to become a cardinal - it used to be that hard core orthodoxy did it - but not any more)

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