Thursday, August 26, 2021

Links: Jason Berry, the scientific method and the California recall

Links: Jason Berry, the scientific method and the California recall 

If only the coverage of the scandal made use of gender theory to explain how priestly asexuality (not celibacy) leads to abuse. Still, congrats to JB.

The scientific establishment missed vital details in dealing with the illness and how it spreads. Laura missed them too - even though they are hiding in plain sight. She is a war criminal in the epidemic and the Insurrection.

I did not see the article on the web page. Joanna Morehead's article looks like a must read. I would do so if registration were not required to do so. Other than a personal attack on Carroll, what is there to say about Root and Branch? James would have been a great priest in the long term were it not for the need to cooperate with evil.The delicious irony about MSW dissing Jim is that Jim agrees with Michael about clericalism.

His heartfelt book missed one of the main details of how the Church got to where it is today. Catholic sexual morality really does need to be yanked out root and branch. Ordaining married lesbians would certainly do what is required (if we look at the Church's problems scientifically).

Initiative, referendum and recall bow to what is essential political mob rule. One of the reasons politicians don't like pruning their voter rolls is that doing so makes such nonsense harder. Democrats need to hold a convention to pick a consensus candidate to short circuit the process, even while supporting Newsome. Walking and chewing gum is essential when the rules are crazy.

My daily routine includes watching You Tube videos on the volcano. Gutn Tog is the best channel for this coverage.

The Southern Baptists may not have liked McIntyre, but they followed his playbook. The Catholic Church has still not recovered from such self-promoting nonsense.

The architecture and urban planning of the 1950s was a disaster that helped keep racism firmly in place. Much of it needs to be removed, root and branch, to rebuild community and grow smarter.

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